Number Rhymes: Tens and Teens

Opal Dunn Hannah Shaw

About the book

This entertaining collection of rhymes explores counting backwards, counting in twos, and counting numbers beyond 10. From 'Five Little Monkeys' and 'Ten in a Bed' to 'One, two, buckle my shoe' and 'One hundred bees round a hive', these rhymes provide a rich range of enjoyable opportunities to familiarise children with ways of manipulating numbers.

An introduction, 'Cracking the Code', discusses ways of learning to count and use numbers beyond 10 - tens and teens - thus providing a useful help for adults.

Collected by a highly reputable early years educationalist with the clear aim of developing early number skills, these rhymes are vividly illustrated by an exciting new talent in children's picture books. This is a book that no foundation stage class should be with out.

Publication Date
08 August 2009

Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Book Type


Number Rhymes: Tens and Teens - Jacket

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