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Nigel Gray was born in Northern Ireland and brought to England as a child. After leaving school he worked for eleven years in numerous unskilled jobs. He then went to the University of Lancaster as a mature student and was awarded a BA in English in 1974. In 1984 he was awarded an MA in Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia. He has worked as an actor and taught Modern Literature Courses for the University of Liverpool, Lancaster and the WEA. He has taught Creative Writing at several universities and writing workshops in schools, colleges, libraries and prisons.
I'll Take You To Mrs Cole!
I'll Take You To Mrs Cole! by Nigel Gray from Andersen is brilliant!
2 months ago
A book that will make you all laugh! I'll Take You To Mrs Cole! by Nigel Gray from Andersen
7 months ago
I'll Take You To Mrs Cole! by Nigel Gray from Andersen is a picture perfect read
There’s no place like it... I'll Take You To Mrs Cole! by Nigel Gray from Andersen
Read I'll Take You To Mrs Cole! by Nigel Gray from Andersen - perfect for today!
5 years ago
Could there be a better time to read I'll Take You To Mrs Cole! by Nigel Gray from Andersen
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