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Nicole is a writer from North London. Over the years she’s had lots of different jobs, including patrolling the Natural History Museum, presenting the traffic news on the radio, and demonstrating toys in Hamleys. Finally, she decided to focus on her passion for stories, and completed a Masters in Creative Writing at Birkbeck College whilst working as a children’s bookseller. Among her other interests are comic books, nineties cartoon theme tunes, and cute pictures of animals wearing funny outfits.
A story all about friendship and friends. Othergirl by Nicole Burstein from Andersen.
1 month ago
Othergirl by Nicole Burstein from Andersen Digital is the perfect friendship story.
Othergirl by Nicole Burstein from ##Published## a perfect book for today.
6 months ago
Kids will love Wonderboy by Nicole Burstein from Andersen
Could there be a better time to read Wonderboy by Nicole Burstein from Andersen Digital
Why not read Othergirl by Nicole Burstein from Andersen Digital
Why not read Othergirl by Nicole Burstein from Andersen
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