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NA'IMA B ROBERT is descended from Scottish Highlanders on her father's side and the Zulu people on her mother's side. She was born in Leeds, grew up in Zimbabwe and went to university in London. At high school, her loves included performing arts, public speaking and writing stories that shocked her teachers! She has written several multicultural books for children and is the author of 'From Somalia, with love', a novel for young adults. 'Boy vs Girl' is her second books for teens. She divides her time between London and Cairo and dreams of living on a farm with her own horses. Until then, she is happy to be a mum to her four children and keep reading and writing books that take her to a different world each time.
Ramadan Moon
Far From Home
Going to Mecca
From Somalia with Love
Black Sheep
Mabrook! A World of Muslim Weddings
Mabrook! A World of Muslim Weddings by Na'ima B. Robert from Frances Lincoln Children's Books is the perfect read to celebrate #WorldMarriageDay.
1 month ago
From Somalia with Love, with so many different girls in books, why not read this one! By Na'ima B. Robert, published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
5 months ago
Far From Home, with so many different girls in books, why not read this one! By Na'ima B. Robert, published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
Why not read From Somalia with Love by Na'ima B. Robert from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
7 months ago
What happened in the past? Far From Home by Na'ima B. Robert from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
8 months ago
A great read for all From Somalia with Love by Na'ima B. Robert from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Take a piture or just look at one ... Mabrook! A World of Muslim Weddings by Na'ima B. Robert from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Far From Home by Na'ima B. Robert from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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