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Miles Gibson was born in a seaside town on the edge of the New Forest, and now lives in Dorset. An author of adult fiction and poetry, he is also a screenwriter and artist.
Little Archie and the Spectacular Disaster-Magnet TV Gadget
Little Archie and the Tongue-Tingling Super-Shrinking Powder
Little Archie
Whoops - There Goes Joe!
Who doesn't love storytime. Curl up with your kids and Whoops - There Goes Joe!. The perfect read for storytime! Miles Gibson from Macmillan Children's Books.
10 months ago
A brilliant story for a Saturday! Whoops - There Goes Joe! by Miles Gibson from Macmillan Children's Books
A brilliant story for a Saturday! Little Archie and the Spectacular Disaster-Magnet TV Gadget by Miles Gibson from Macmillan Children's Books
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