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Mary Rees studied at Glasgow School of Art. She is a highly regarded illustrator. She lives in Hove, Sussex.
Mine! Big Book
Stories is so much fun, why not sit down and read Mine! by Hiawyn Oram from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
4 months ago
Loving Mine! Big Book by Hiawyn Oram and Mary Rees from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
4 years ago
Could there be a better time to read Mine! by Hiawyn Oram and Mary Rees. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
Could there be a better time to read Mine! by Hiawyn Oram from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
5 years ago
Have fun with Mine! by Hiawyn Oram from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Out now! Mine! by Hiawyn Oram, illustrated by Hiawyn Oram. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
18 years ago
Out now! Mine! Big Book by Hiawyn Oram, illustrated by Hiawyn Oram. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
21 years ago
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