
Mark Ruffle


About Mark Ruffle

Mark Ruffle was born near Bristol and graduated from the University of the West of England with a degree in graphic design. Mark works in Adobe Illustrator and is equally happy drawing illustrations for books, packaging, advertising, or animation.

Recent updates about Mark Ruffle

Moon Day

Discover more about space in Space by Galia Bernstein from QED Publishing 

7 days ago

Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Space by Galia Bernstein from QED Publishing - Take off with this amazing book!

11 days ago

World Population Day

Human Body by Anna Claybourne from QED Publishing

16 days ago

Moon Day

Discover more about space in Space by Galia Bernstein from QED Publishing 

1 year ago

International Ask a Question Day

Why? Who? What? Space answers some questions. By Galia Bernstein and Mark Ruffle. Published by QED Publishing.

4 years ago

International Ask a Question Day

Why? Who? What? Human Body answers some questions. By Anna Claybourne and Galia Bernstein. Published by QED Publishing.

4 years ago


On this day 1616, the Roman Inquisition demanded Galileo abandon his belief that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun. Discover Space by Galia Bernstein and Mark Ruffle. Published by QED Publishing.

4 years ago


On this day in 1930, US astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto! Discover Space by Galia Bernstein and Mark Ruffle. Published by QED Publishing.

4 years ago

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