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Marie Fordacq is a co-founder Editions Tourbillon�the Parisian parent of Twirl�and the author of several popular children�s books, including Twirl�s Play and Color in Black and White. She and her family live outside Paris, France. Janik Coat is a graduate of Fine Arts in Nantes. She carries the graphic designer since 1999 and published illustrator-as a writer since 2005. She has published fifteen books, which are translated in many countries, his first book is his Popov and Samothrace (MeMo Publishing, 2005 ). She works regularly with author Anne Cortey. She regularly conducts art workshops around its books. She lives and works in Paris
Baby Animals
Construction Vehicles
A book perfect for toddlers, Firehouse by Marie Fordacq from Twirl.
5 years ago
A book perfect for toddlers, Construction Vehicles by Peggy Nille from Twirl.
How do you get around... Construction Vehiclesby Peggy Nille from Twirl
Bikes, bicycles, getting around... what vehicles do you know about? Construction Vehicles by Peggy Nille from Twirl
A great toddler book for #toddlertuesday Construction Vehicles by Marie Fordacq from Twirl
6 years ago
Did you give a child a book yesterday to celebrate #InternationalBookGivingDay ? If not why not grab Construction Vehicles by Marie Fordacq from Twirl
Out now! Construction Vehicles by Marie Fordacq and Peggy Nille, illustrated by Marie Fordacq. Published by Twirl.
7 years ago
Out now! Firehouse by Marie Fordacq and Michele Brummer-Everett, illustrated by Marie Fordacq. Published by Twirl.
8 years ago
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