
Marianne Levy


About Marianne Levy

Marianne Levy spent her twenties as an actor. She was in various TV shows, did some comedy on Radio 4 and made a brief appearance in the film Ali G In Da House, where she managed to forget both her lines. She then worked as a continuity announcer for Living TV, introducing, and getting obsessed with America's Next Top Model. She's been the voice of a leading brand of makeup, a shopping centre and a yoghurt. Marianne is the author of the Ellie May young fiction series for Egmont, and a regular contributor to The Independent on Sunday. She lives in London with her husband, daughter and a bad-tempered cat. Accidental Superstar is her first novel for older readers.

Recent updates about Marianne Levy

International Day of the Girl

Accidental Superstar, with so many different girls in books, why not read this one! By Marianne Levy, published by Macmillan Children's Books.

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International Jazz Day

Face The Music a brilliant book! By Marianne Levy from Macmillan Children's Books

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International Jazz Day

Face The Music a brilliant book! By Marianne Levy from Macmillan Children's Books

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World Radio Day

Face The Music by Marianne Levy from Macmillan Children's Books is brilliant!

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A book to read about music Face The Music by Marianne Levy from Macmillan Children's Books

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Listen to this...

Face The Music a brilliant book! By Marianne Levy from Macmillan Children's Books

5 years ago


Accidental Superstar by Marianne Levy from Macmillan Children's Books - it definitely is a super read!

5 years ago

1st Performance of Beethoven's 4th Symphony in 1807

So why not read this book all about music! Face The Music, is great. Written by Marianne Levy, and published by Macmillan Children's Books.

6 years ago

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