
Quintin Blake

About the book

One bright spring morning, after a night of gales in the great woods, Angela Bowling discovers a small helpless bird who has fallen from his nest. Determined to help, she scoops the creature up and bears him home. From that day forth, Angela lavishes all her nurturing care and attention upon the bird. Augustus is wrapped in the softest of blankets and is fed the finest of foods. He travels in style in an elaborate basket, or in his magnificent pushchair. Nothing is too good for Angela's little loveykins. And when Augustus becomes too large for his blankets, or his basket, or his pushchair, Angela builds him a shed of his very own. All is well, until one fateful night when the storms rage through the great woods once again . . .

Publication Date
02 October 2003

Red Fox

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Loveykins - Jacket

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