
Louise Forshaw


About Louise Forshaw

Louise Forshaw discovered drawing at a young age and has rarely stopped drawing since! Studying Illustration and Animation at Newcastle College she graduated in 2008. Turning her attention to children's books she now works from her small home studio, with three Jack Russell terriers to keep her company. She has illustrated several books for Campbell, including Busy Baking and Busy Pets.

Recent updates about Louise Forshaw

National Zoo Awareness Day

Get lost in Busy Vet by Louise Forshaw from Campbell Books

8 days ago

National Zoo Awareness Day

Get lost in Busy Jungle by Campbell Books from Campbell Books

8 days ago

Summer Holidays

Why not delve into Busy Jungle by Campbell Books from Campbell Books - a fantastic kids book!

29 days ago

Lighthouse Day

Busy Boats by Campbell Books from Campbell Books - great if you're on the beach.

1 month ago

Parents Day (USA)

Why not read I Love My Daddy by Campbell Books from Campbell Books 

1 month ago

Stick out your tongue day

I Love My Daddy - a silly read for a silly day! By Campbell Books from Campbell Books

1 month ago

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Busy Boats by Campbell Books from Campbell Books

1 month ago

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Busy Ambulance by Campbell Books from Campbell Books

1 month ago

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