
Lavaille Lavette


About Lavaille Lavette

Lavaille Lavette is a New York Times bestselling author and editor, social entrepreneur, educator and leadership and business development expert. A former teacher and school district administrator, Lavaille served as special advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Education, Dr Rod Paige. She is a founding board member and the first president of the Luanda Africa Sister City Association, and she currently serves on the board of advisers for Huvr Inc. and BreakOut App. She has used her branding, merchandising and sales expertise to manage a number of business ventures with well-known celebrities and athletes in the publishing, aviation, food, retail and sports industries. In her leisure time, she enjoys skateboarding, supporting various charitable ventures and spending time with her husband, John, and family and friends.

Lavaille Lavette books

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Lavaille Lavette and Anastasia Magloire Williams

Out now! Beyoncé by Lavaille Lavette, illustrated by Anastasia Magloire Williams. Published by Ladybird.

7 months ago

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