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LARI DON is a successful children's writer based in Edinburgh. Lari is currently A Chatterbooks Champion with the Reading Agency.
Little Red Riding Hood BC w CD
The Dragon's Hoard
Breaking the Spell
For fans of #heroine tales, monsters & magic – today is your last chance to win a copy of #FierceFearlessAndFree, as part of @scottishbktrust’s Book of the Month for April: …
4 years ago
Only a few hours left to choose April's #PrimarySchoolBookClub book. I'm delighted #FierceFearlessAndFree is one of the options (amongst some great competition!) Just head to @PrimarySchoolBC's pinned tweet to vote!
Getting feedback from 9 year olds (especially 9 yr olds who enjoyed the book) is the BEST THING EVER for #middlegrade #writers... Thanks to @macpiglet and your 9 yr old! #mglit #kidlit #kidsbooks #readingforpleasure #FierceFearlessAndFree @BloomsburyEd @EilidhMuldoon …
Magic, monsters, messy kitchens & story maps: I’ve gathered a few #story & #book resources to help keep your young #storyfans busy if you’re stuck at home:
I've spent this am pulling together #online #book & #story #resources for #kids while we'll all be #stayingathome more. Here are a few links, I'll add more over the next wee while:
Celebrate St David's Day with The Dragon's Hoard by Lari Don and Cate James. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
5 years ago
Book blogger @roaringreads asked me seven very cleverly themed questions, to celebrate the publication of The Legend of the First Unicorn:…
What better book than The Dragon's Hoard by Lari Don to stay inside and get lost in! From Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
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