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Kate Petty has spent many years working with children's books, both as an editor and successful author. She has written over 100 non-fiction books, including the highly inventive Great Grammar Book. Her books for Macmillan include Made With Love.
Made With Love
Ben Plants A Butterfly Garden
Rosie Plants a Radish
Sam Plants A Sunflower
Amazing!!! Home by Kate Petty. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
28 days ago
Why not try Made With Love by Kate Petty. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
Why not try Bicycles by Kate Petty. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
Big eggs, small eggs, scrambled eggs, dinosaur eggs - this book is a great story book all about eggs! Made With Love by Kate Petty from Macmillan Children's Books.
2 months ago
Why not try Home by Kate Petty. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
Time for a picnic? Loving Ben Plants A Butterfly Garden by Kate Petty.
3 months ago
Read Bicycles by Kate Petty from Frances Lincoln Children's Books - perfect for today!
Rosie Plants a Radish by Kate Petty from ##Published## a perfect book for today.
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