
K. A. Cobell


About K. A. Cobell

K. A. Cobell, Staa’tssipisstaakii, is an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Nation. She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest, where she spends her time writing books, chasing her kids through the never-ending rain, and scouring the inlet beaches for sand dollars and hermit crabs. Looking for Smoke is her debut novel.

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K. A. Cobell

Out now! Looking For Smoke by K. A. Cobell. Published by Penguin.

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International Museums Day

Read Looking For Smoke by K. A. Cobell from Penguin to delve into the past!

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Local and Community History Month

A book to enjoy and add to your bookshelves... Looking For Smoke by K. A. Cobell from Penguin.

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