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Joy Gosney earned her degree in Illustration at Kingston University in 1999 and is the illustrator of two picture books. She has worked on various other projects, which range from novelty books to fiction, and has also produced a cookbook for children. Joy lives in Brighton.
Busy Books: Busy Machines
Busy Books: Busy Day
My Magnetic Farmyard
My Magnetic Space Station
My Magnetic Palace
Buggy Buddies: Busy Machines
Buggy Buddies: Busy Toys
Buggy Buddies: Busy Home
Buggy Buddies: Busy Town
My Magnetic Garage
My Magnetic Playhouse
Busy Books: Busy Home
Busy Books: Busy Toys
Who Did It?
Discover Busy Books: Busy Toys by Joy Gosney. Published by Campbell Books.
10 days ago
Could there be a better time to read Buggy Buddies: Busy Toys by Joy Gosney. Published by Campbell Books.
Flying high in the sky, Buggy Buddies: Busy Toys by Joy Gosney from Campbell Books. Perfect for International Kite Day!
1 month ago
Flying high in the sky, Busy Books: Busy Toys by Joy Gosney from Campbell Books. Perfect for International Kite Day!
A brilliant book about a duck - what more do you need on Rubber Duckie Day! Buggy Buddies: Busy Toys by Joy Gosney from Campbell Books
Bath books can be so much fun, and what better way to entertain little kids to get them clean! Buggy Buddies: Busy Toys by Joy Gosney from Campbell Books
Bath books can be so much fun, and what better way to entertain little kids to get them clean! Busy Books: Busy Toys by Joy Gosney from Campbell Books
A remarkable book that your children will love. My Magnetic Farmyard by Joy Gosney.
3 months ago
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