
Jonathan Green


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Jonathan Green

"Jon Green has surpassed even his high standards to deliver perhaps the definitive horror gamebook. The quality of the prose, the illustrations and even the layout of the book is second-to-none." Goodreads review of Dracula: Curse of the Vampire.

3 years ago

International Children's Book Day

Today is the day to read this brilliant book (not that you needed an excuse!), Doctor Who: Choose the Future: Night of the Kraken by Jonathan Green from BBC Children's Books.

4 years ago

November Events

What better book than Doctor Who: Book 5: Monstrous Missions by Jonathan Green to stay inside and get lost in! From BBC Children's Books.

5 years ago

November Events

What better book than Doctor Who: Terrible Lizards by Jonathan Green to stay inside and get lost in! From BBC Children's Books.

5 years ago

November Events

What better book than Doctor Who: Choose the Future: Night of the Kraken by Jonathan Green to stay inside and get lost in! From BBC Children's Books.

5 years ago


Read about some scaly creatures in Doctor Who: Book 5: Monstrous Missions by Jonathan Green from BBC Children's Books

5 years ago


Words, Pictures, Stories or Facts. Books are amazing, they feed the brain and imagination. This #WorldBookDay read Doctor Who: Book 5: Monstrous Missions by Jonathan Green from BBC Children's Books

6 years ago


All children find magic in something, and this is a magical time of year. Why not read Doctor Who: Book 5: Monstrous Missions with them to keep the magic going. By Gary Russell from BBC Children's Books.

6 years ago

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