
John Lekich


About John Lekich

John Lekich taught English and Drama at a junior high school for two years but decided he wanted to write full-time. He is passionate about the movies and has been a film reviewer for eighteen years. John lives in Vancouver and enjoys going for long walks, listening to jazz and petting friendly neighbourhood dogs.

Recent updates about John Lekich

Back to school

Read The Losers' Club by John Lekich from Macmillan Children's Books - perfect for today!

17 days ago

Back to school

Kids will love The Losers' Club by John Lekich from Macmillan Children's Books

19 days ago

Back to school

Could there be a better time to read The Losers' Club by John Lekich from Macmillan Children's Books

22 days ago

International Day of Friendship

The Losers' Club by John Lekich from Macmillan Children's Books - a book perfect for today!

1 month ago

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