
Joanna Kerr


About Joanna Kerr

JOANNA KERR has an MA in Sequential Illustration from the University of Brighton and an MFA in Fine Art from the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford. She has worked as an illustrator for many years, and has moved from the medium of linoprint into digital illustration. As well as creating her own delightful illustrations, Joanna also teaches illustration on a Foundation degree programme which, she says, constantly informs her practice and challenges and inspires her work. She also has a cat called Lulu and enjoys gardening and country walks.

Recent updates about Joanna Kerr

World Youth Skills Day

Learn some new skills with How to Play Guitar in 10 Easy Lessons by Dan Holton from QED Publishing

12 days ago

World Youth Skills Day

Learn some new skills with How to Cook in 10 Easy Lessons by Wendy Sweetser from QED Publishing

12 days ago

World Youth Skills Day

Learn some new skills with How to Code in 10 Easy Lessons by Sean McManus from QED Publishing

12 days ago

World Youth Skills Day

Learn some new skills with 23 Ways to be a Great Artist by Jennifer McCully from QED Publishing

12 days ago

World watercolour month

Get into painting and art with 23 Ways to be a Great Artist by Jennifer McCully from QED Publishing

18 days ago

Children's Art Week

23 Ways to be a Great Artist by Jennifer McCully from QED Publishing is a great book to inspire!

1 month ago

International Museums Day

Read 23 Ways to be a Great Artist by Jennifer McCully from QED Publishing to delve into the past!

2 months ago

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

A great read to kick off the weekend! How to Play Guitar in 10 Easy Lessons by Dan Holton from QED Publishing

2 months ago

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