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Jo Nelson studied Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge University before travelling the world teaching, English and Maths. She settled in London, working for a publishing company for ten years, before turning her hand to writing children's books. Her titles include Destination: Planet Earth, published by Wide Eyed Editions, and Historium, published by Big Picture Press.
What Do Machines Do All Day
Destination: Planet Earth
Seeing as it's World Wetlands Day learn about the earth in Destination: Planet Earth by Jo Nelson from Wide Eyed Editions.
5 years ago
On this day 1903, the Wright Brothers make the first sustained motorised aircraft flight, piloted by Orville Wright. Discover What Do Machines Do All Day by Jo Nelson. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.
A remarkable book that your children will love. What Do Machines Do All Day by Jo Nelson.
On 6th December 1897, London became the first city to introduce licensed taxi cabs. You should read What Do Machines Do All Day by Jo Nelson. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.
Happy Birthday to Anders Celsius! Born in 1701 the astronomer proposed the Celsius temperature scale which bears his name. Discover Destination: Planet Earth by Jo Nelson. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.
Non-fiction November! Discover something new, explore new places and learn new skills. What Do Machines Do All Day by Jo Nelson from Wide Eyed Editions is a great non-fiction read!
You'll love What Do Machines Do All Day by Jo Nelson. Published by Wide Eyed Editions.
What Do Machines Do All Day by Jo Nelson from Wide Eyed Editions is a brilliant book!
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