
Jim Peacock

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Roald Dahl: George’s Marvellous Experiments by Jim Peacock from Puffin. A book to inspire your crafting!

4 years ago


Discover all about the amazing world of science in this book Roald Dahl: George’s Marvellous Experiments. By Jim Peacock from Puffin.

5 years ago


A book to aid and inspire children to create Roald Dahl: George’s Marvellous Experiments by Jim Peacock from Puffin

5 years ago

What to do today?

Roald Dahl: George’s Marvellous Experiments can give you some brilliant inspiration for a Sunday inside! By Jim Peacock from Puffin

5 years ago


Roald Dahl: George’s Marvellous Experiments is a great read all about medicine and science. Jim Peacock from Puffin

5 years ago

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