
Jarom Vogel


About Jarom Vogel

Jarom Vogel is an American illustrator, designer and digital artist. Originally enrolling at Brigham Young University to study dentistry, he soon gave in to his childhood passion for drawing and switched to an illustration major. He lives in Utah, working on children's books and editorial illustrations.

Recent updates about Jarom Vogel

Royal International Horse Show

Horses by Iris Volant from Flying Eye Books a horsey read!

4 days ago

World Youth Skills Day

Learn some new skills with Horses by Iris Volant from Flying Eye Books

12 days ago

Festival of British Archaeology

Learn about the past in Horses by Iris Volant from Flying Eye Books

14 days ago

World Population Day

Horses by Iris Volant from Flying Eye Books

16 days ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Horses by Iris Volant from Flying Eye Books

24 days ago

International Museums Day

Read Horses by Iris Volant from Flying Eye Books to delve into the past!

2 months ago

Local and Community History Month

A book to enjoy and add to your bookshelves... Horses by Iris Volant from Flying Eye Books.

2 months ago

World Heritage Day

Learn about the places and people of the past in Horses by Iris Volant from Flying Eye Books

3 months ago

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