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Grandfather and I
A Twist in the Tail
Ponko and the South Pole
When an Elephant Comes to School
A story all about friendship and friends. When an Elephant Comes to School by Jan Ormerod from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
29 days ago
Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try Grandfather and I by Helen E. Buckley from Puffin
1 month ago
Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try A Twist in the Tail by Mary Hoffman from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. Ponko and the South Pole from Frances Lincoln Children's Books from Meredith Hooper is a great one to read together.
A book all about Penguins! Ponko and the South Pole by Meredith Hooper from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Ponko and the South Pole by Meredith Hooper from Frances Lincoln Children's Books is a brilliant picture book all about a bear!
4 months ago
Stories is so much fun, why not sit down and read A Twist in the Tail by Mary Hoffman from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Stories is so much fun, why not sit down and read Ponko and the South Pole by Meredith Hooper from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
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