
Isabel Sanchez Vegara


About Isabel Sanchez Vegara

Mª Isabel Sánchez Vergara, born in Barcelona, Spain, is a writer and creative director in constant search of new concepts for children's books. Working for more than fifteen years for clients in top advertising agencies, her books combine creativity with learning, aiming to establish a new and fresh relationship between children and pop culture.

Recent updates about Isabel Sanchez Vegara

Amelia Earhart Day

Take off on an adventure... Amelia Earhart by Isabel Sanchez Vegara from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

3 days ago

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - Marie Curie by Isabel Sanchez Vegara from Frances Lincoln Children's Books

14 days ago

World Population Day

A book about people Amelia Earhart by Isabel Sanchez Vegara from Frances Lincoln Children's Books

16 days ago

World Population Day

A book about people Marie Curie by Isabel Sanchez Vegara from Frances Lincoln Children's Books

16 days ago

Eat Your Vegetables Day

Vegetables might be your worst nightmare or in your favourite dreams. Read Amelia Earhart by Isabel Sanchez Vegara from Frances Lincoln Children's Books (it’s all about dreams)

1 month ago

Eat Your Vegetables Day

Vegetables might be your worst nightmare or in your favourite dreams. Read Marie Curie by Isabel Sanchez Vegara from Frances Lincoln Children's Books (it’s all about dreams)

1 month ago

World Turtle Day

Who lives there? Discover Amelia Earhart a great book by Isabel Sanchez Vegara from Frances Lincoln Children's Books 

2 months ago

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

A great read to kick off the weekend! Marie Curie by Isabel Sanchez Vegara from Frances Lincoln Children's Books

2 months ago

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