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Hiba Noor Khan's academic background is in Engineering/Physics, having completed Postgraduate study at the University of Oxford in 2015. Since graduating she has worked in the Environmental Sector, as a Refugee Advocacy Worker for The Children's Society, a Physics teacher and TV presenter. She has a keen interest in social and political affairs and assisted policy research for the Governments Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life in 2015. Her passion for international development has led Hiba to travel to implement various sustainable development projects in rural Tanzania, and to deliver aid to Syrian refugees in Turkey.Hiba has loved words for as long as she's known them, and has worked as a freelance journalist, including writing for The Independent, blogging for the Huffington Post and Amaliah. She has written about everything from ISIS and drug cartels to turmeric lattes.
The Extraordinary Life of Malala Yousafzai
The Little War Cat
One Home
Safiyyah's War
The Line They Drew Through Us
Safiyyah's War by Hiba Noor Khan is a great book for #InternationalWomensDay. From ##PublishedBy#.
5 days ago
1 month to go until Hiba Noor Khan will be releasing The Line They Drew Through Us. Published by Andersen Digital.
7 days ago
1 month to go until Hiba Noor Khan will be releasing The Line They Drew Through Us. Published by Andersen.
It's #InternationalBookGivingDay! You'll love One Home by Hiba Noor Khan and Rachael Dean. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
27 days ago
Learn about climate change and the importance of the earth in One Home by Hiba Noor Khan from Macmillan Children's Books.
1 month ago
Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try The Little War Cat by Hiba Noor Khan from Macmillan Children's Books
Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book Safiyyah's War by Hiba Noor Khan from Andersen Digital
Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book The Line They Drew Through Us by Hiba Noor Khan from Andersen Digital
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