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Henry White is a comedy writer, working in television, online, and most recently in children's fiction. He grew up in West London, began his career in animation, has written and directed adverts for the BBC, worked as a sitcom staff writer, and enjoys penning silly songs for comedy channels. He also has a birthmark shaped like a duck.
Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Aunties
Little Badman and the Time-travelling Teacher of Doom
Little Badman and the Radioactive Samosa
Little Badman and the Rise of the Punjabi Zombies
Little Badman and the Game of Nightmares
1 month to go until Humza Arshad and Henry White will be releasing Little Badman and the Game of Nightmares. Published by Puffin.
16 days ago
1 month to go until Humza Arshad and Henry White will be releasing Little Badman and the Game of Nightmares. Published by Penguin Random House Children's UK.
A story all about friendship and friends. Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Aunties by Humza Arshad from Penguin Random House Children's UK.
18 days ago
A story all about friendship and friends. Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Aunties by Humza Arshad from Puffin.
Little Badman and the Game of Nightmares by Humza Arshad from Puffin is the perfect friendship story.
Little Badman and the Game of Nightmares by Humza Arshad from Penguin Random House Children's UK is the perfect friendship story.
Discover Little Badman and the Invasion of the Killer Aunties by Humza Arshad. Published by Puffin.
3 months ago
Why not try Little Badman and the Radioactive Samosa by Humza Arshad. Published by Puffin.
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