
Helen Bate


About Helen Bate

Helen Bate is an exciting and versatile illustrator, who previously qualified as an architect. Her work for Frances Lincoln includes the Purple Class stories by Sean Taylor and Sita, Snake-Queen of Speed by Franzeska Ewart. She is also the publisher of Pictures to Share, a series of illustrated books for people with dementia. Her picture book ABC UK by James Dunn was nominated for the Kate Greenaway Medal. She currently lives in Cheshire.

Recent updates about Helen Bate

World Snake Day

Disssscover Sita, Snake-Queen of Speed for a sssssuper read! By Franzeska G Ewart from Frances Lincoln Children's Books

7 months ago

Camera Day

ABC UK Mini Edition by James Dunn from Frances Lincoln Children's Books is a picture perfect read

8 months ago

World Purple Day (epilepsy awareness)

#PurpleDay raises awareness of epilepsy. Wear purple, or read about purple. Purple Class and the Half-Eaten Sweater by Sean Taylor from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

4 years ago

Love Your Pet Day

There's a Hamster in my Pocket by Franzeska G Ewart is a great way to celebrate your pets! From Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

5 years ago

National Non-Fiction November

Non-fiction November! Discover something new, explore new places and learn new skills. ABC UK Mini Edition by James Dunn from Frances Lincoln Children's Books is a great non-fiction read!

5 years ago

Toddler Thursday

A book perfect for toddlers, ABC UK Mini Edition by James Dunn from Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

5 years ago

Get Reading

A great read for today There's a Hamster in my Pocket by Franzeska G Ewart from Frances Lincoln Children's Books

5 years ago

Get Reading

A great read for today Sita, Snake-Queen of Speed by Franzeska G Ewart from Frances Lincoln Children's Books

5 years ago

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