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Born in Sweden to Indian and Swedish parents, Gita Trelease has lived in lots of places, including New York, Paris and a tiny town in central Italy. She attended Yale College and New York University, where she earned a Ph.D. in British literature. Before becoming a novelist, she taught classes on writing and fairy tales – some of which have seeped into this story. Along with her husband and son, Gita divides her time between an old village in Massachusetts and the coast of Maine, where she’s still searching for a secret portal that will take her back to Versailles. Gita's debut title, Enchantée, is a a compelling historical fantasy novel set in eighteenth-century revolutionary Paris.
What better book than Enchantée by Gita Trelease to stay inside and get lost in! From Macmillan Children's Books.
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Liberté, with so many different girls in books, why not read this one! By Gita Trelease, published by Macmillan Children's Books.
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A book about people Liberté by Gita Trelease from Macmillan Children's Books
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Liberté by Gita Trelease from Macmillan Children's Books
Out now! Liberté by Gita Trelease,. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
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Have an adventure with Enchantée by Gita Trelease from Macmillan Children's Books
Why not delve into Enchantée by Gita Trelease from Macmillan Children's Books
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