
Genevieve Moore


About Genevieve Moore

GENEVIEVE MOORE lives in Victoria, Australia. She is a voiceover artist and actor and has been an improvisational performer, a radio announcer, Human Resources consultant and now soap-maker. She recently played a small part in the television series Neighbours. She was inspired to write Catherine's Story by her niece, who is profoundly and multiply learning disabled, as a celebration of her niece for Catherine's father and grandmother. This is Genevieve's first children's book.

Recent updates about Genevieve Moore

World Storytelling Day

You should read Catherine's Story by Genevieve Moore and Karin Littlewood. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

4 years ago

Read a Book Day

Could there be a better time to read Catherine's Story by Genevieve Moore.

4 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! Catherine's Story by Genevieve Moore, illustrated by Genevieve Moore. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

11 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! Catherine's Story by Genevieve Moore, illustrated by Genevieve Moore. Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.

14 years ago

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