
Gavin Puckett


About Gavin Puckett

Gavin lives in South Wales with his wife, his young son and their cat, George. He spends his days working as a school liaison officer with the police and won the Greenhouse Funny Prize in 2013 with his debut book, Murray the Horse.

Recent updates about Gavin Puckett

Royal International Horse Show

Hendrix the Rocking Horse by Gavin Puckett from Faber & Faber a horsey read!

4 days ago

Royal International Horse Show

Colin the Cart Horse by Gavin Puckett from Faber & Faber a horsey read!

4 days ago

Royal International Horse Show

Murray the Race Horse by Gavin Puckett from Faber & Faber a horsey read!

4 days ago

Royal International Horse Show

Poppy the Police Horse by Gavin Puckett from Faber & Faber a horsey read!

4 days ago

Royal International Horse Show

Hayley the Hairy Horse by Gavin Puckett from Faber & Faber a horsey read!

4 days ago

International Rock Day

Hendrix the Rocking Horse by Gavin Puckett from Faber & Faber is a rocking read!

14 days ago

International Day of Families

A family read...Murray the Race Horse by Gavin Puckett from Faber & Faber 

2 months ago

International Rock Day

Hendrix the Rocking Horse by Gavin Puckett from Faber & Faber is a rocking read!

1 year ago

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