
Festus W. Ihwagi


About Festus W. Ihwagi

Dr Festus W. Ihwagi grew up on the slopes of Mount Kenya with elephants for his neighbours. Today he is a conservation biologist who works for Save the Elephants.

Recent updates about Festus W. Ihwagi

National Zoo Awareness Day

African Elephant (Young Zoologist) by Festus W. Ihwagi from Neon Squid is a wonderful book for your children

16 days ago

World Elephant Day

An real elephant-tastic story African Elephant (Young Zoologist) by Festus W. Ihwagi from Neon Squid 

1 month ago

World Youth Skills Day

Learn some new skills with African Elephant (Young Zoologist) by Festus W. Ihwagi from Neon Squid

2 months ago

International Rock Day

A book to explore and enjoy - African Elephant (Young Zoologist) by Festus W. Ihwagi from Neon Squid

2 months ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in African Elephant (Young Zoologist) by Festus W. Ihwagi from Neon Squid

2 months ago

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