Fairy Bears 8: Poppy

Julie Sykes

About the book

Fairy Bears are the size of a bumble bee and live beneath a giant Sycamore tree in Firefly Meadow. Fairy Bears always do their best, working hard 'to care for the world and all its plants, animals and children.' This is the Fairy Bear Promise. You’ll have to be quick to see them, and you’ll have to believe in magic . . .

Poppy the Fairy Bear loves to make new friends and can't wait to go to Misty's birthday party in the Stalight Caves - and her task is to help a girl called Amelia to plan her own party! But, as her dad is struggling to find a new job, Amelia is worried that her birthday won't be as fancy as all her friend's parties. Poppy must find a way to show Amelia that all you need to have a great time is to be with great friends.

Publication Date
04 March 2011

Macmillan Children's Books

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Fairy Bears 8: Poppy - Jacket

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