
Dragan Kordic


About Dragan Kordic

Dragan Kordic is a children’s book illustrator with a master’s degree in applied graphics. Besides being an art enthusiast, he finds inspiration in exploring nature, travelling, and reading books. He loves spending time with his wife, young daughter, friends (real and imaginary), his parrot August, and two dogs. He lives in Rijeka, Croatia.

Recent updates about Dragan Kordic

The British Science Festival

Amazing!!! Animal Sidekicks by Macken Murphy. Published by Neon Squid.

6 days ago

Shark Awareness Day

Animal Sidekicks by Macken Murphy from Neon Squid is definitely one to get your teeth into!

2 months ago

Plastic Free July

Learn and read about the creatures that live alongside us in Animal Sidekicks by Macken Murphy from Neon Squid

2 months ago

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