
Douglas Hill


Recent updates about Douglas Hill

Moon Day

Discover more about space in Demon Stalkers 1 - Prey by Douglas Hill from Macmillan Children's Books 

2 months ago

World UFO Day

What do you think is out there?? World Of The Stiks by Douglas Hill from Penguin Random House Children's UK

2 months ago

Summer Solstice - Longest Day of the Year

Tomorrow is the longest day of the year. Read about time in Demon Stalkers 1 - Prey by Douglas Hill from Macmillan Children's Books

3 months ago

Refugee Week

World Of The Stiks by Douglas Hill from Penguin Random House Children's UK

3 months ago

Star Wars Day

Love Star Wars, love sci-fi? Try World Of The Stiks by Douglas Hill from Penguin Random House Children's UK.

4 months ago

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