Dory Fantasmagory and the Real True Friend

Abby Hanlon

About the book

A Real True Friend: An actual kid everyone can see but who wants to play with you anyway.

Dory's so excited for her first day at school. Her big brother and sister warn her that if she wants to fit in she ought to leave her imaginary friend, Mary, at home – or better yet, her whole imagination! But being boring is just about as far from being Dory as you can get. And on her very first day she meets someone new, and wonderful - a little girl whose imagination and style are just about as wild as her own! Now all she has to do is convince her siblings that she’s not making it all up . . .

Publication Date
03 August 2017

Faber & Faber

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Dory Fantasmagory and the Real True Friend - Jacket

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