
Dilraj Mann


About Dilraj Mann

Dilraj Mann is an artist and illustrator based in Lewes, UK. His art is largely inspired by the unexpected and often curious locals from the streets of London. He is the creator of Stroke and Queue zines and his work has appeared in the Island anthology and Kus among many others.

Recent updates about Dilraj Mann


Could there be a better time to read Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann. Published by Nobrow.

4 months ago

World Dracula Day

Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann from Nobrow really is a monster book!

9 months ago

Happy Halloween...

Ghosts, witches, black cats, monsters, wizards, vampires and zombies - they'll all be out tonight! Why not read this brilliantly spooky read. Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann from Nobrow.

5 years ago

Fancy Dress

Trick or treat? Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann from Nobrow is a great book for fancy dress inspiration!

5 years ago

East London

Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann from Nobrow is brilliant!

5 years ago


Open House London. Could there be a better time to read Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann. Published by Nobrow.

5 years ago

Get Reading

A great read for today Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann from Nobrow

5 years ago

A Monster Read....

Dalston Monsterzz by Dilraj Mann from Nobrow is a futuristic graphic novel brilliant for young adult readers!

6 years ago

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