
Darshika Varma


About Darshika Varma

Darshika Varma completed a BFA in Applied Arts at Rachana Sansad in Mumbai. Her career started off as a designer in digital marketing, from where she moved on to designing wedding invitations and eventually found her true calling as a children's illustrator. Darshika is usually found curled up in a corner poring over a book, sniffing in the scent of inked pages, drawing inspiration from the fantasy world and bringing those vivid imaginations to life through her illustrations.

Recent updates about Darshika Varma

Darshika Varma

2 months to go until Darshika Varma will be releasing First Festivals: Holi illustrated by Darshika Varma. Published by Ladybird.

10 days ago

World Children's Day

Why not try First Festivals: Holi by Darshika Varma. Published by Ladybird.

1 month ago

Sital Gorasia Chapman and Darshika Varma

Out now! Diwali by Sital Gorasia Chapman, illustrated by Darshika Varma. Published by words & pictures.

4 months ago

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