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Nobody ever listens to D. Trump, so he has to record things in writing - to clear his name, and to point out that the unfortunate things that happen to him are very rarely his fault. He has a moany sister, a mum who cooks brown goo and a dog who inhales socks. PLEASE NOTE: D. Trump sometimes has a bit of help with his writing from a lady named Jackie Marchant, who lives in north-west London.
I'm Dougal Trump . . . Where's My Tarantula?
I'm Dougal Trump... and it's not my fault!
Kick-off with I'm Dougal Trump... and it's not my fault! by D. Trump. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
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Nuts about football? You should read I'm Dougal Trump... and it's not my fault! by D. Trump. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.
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