
Clementine Beauvais


About Clementine Beauvais

Clementine Beauvais writes for both the UK and French market. Her books written in English include the Sesame Seade series (Hodder) and the Royal Babysitters series ( Bloomsbury) and her bestselling French book, The Three Piglettes, will be published by Pushkin Press in 2017. She is an award-winning author in France and In Paris with You(French title Songe a la Douceur) has been in the bestseller charts since it was published, selling 30,000 copies in the first three months. Clementine lives and works in York, UK.

Sam Taylor (translator) is the author of four novels, including The Republic of Trees and The Island at the End of the World, and the award-winning translator of more than twenty French books, including Laurent Binet's Booker-longlisted The 7th Function of Language, Joel Dicker's The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair and Leila Slimani's Lullaby.

Clementine Beauvais books

Recent updates about Clementine Beauvais

Valentine's Day

You should read In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais. Published by Faber & Faber.

26 days ago

Valentine's Day

It's #ValentinesDay tomorrow. How about In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais? Published by Faber & Faber.

27 days ago

Valentine's Day

This month is all about the heart so why not start it off with In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais from Faber & Faber.

1 month ago

National Storytelling Week

Reading stories together can be the perfect way to spend quality time with your child. In Paris With You from Faber & Faber from Clementine Beauvais is a great one to read together.

1 month ago

National Tell A Story Day

Stories is so much fun, why not sit down and read In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais from Faber & Faber

4 months ago

World Emoji Day

In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais from Faber & Faber is a great emotional read.

7 months ago

Summer Solstice - Longest Day of the Year

Tomorrow is the longest day of the year. Read about time in In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais from Faber & Faber

8 months ago

World Storytelling Day

Why not try In Paris With You by Clementine Beauvais. Published by Faber & Faber.

4 years ago

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