
Clara Oswald

About Clara Oswald

Clara Oswald served as a companion of the eleventh and twelfth incarnations of the Doctor

Recent updates about Clara Oswald

Arthur C. Clarke (Birthday)

Happy Birthday to Arthur C. Clarke who was born on this day 1917. Love sci-fi, why not try Doctor Who: The Companion’s Companion by Clara Oswald. Published by BBC Children's Books.

5 years ago

November Events

What better book than Doctor Who: The Companion’s Companion by Clara Oswald to stay inside and get lost in! From BBC Children's Books.

5 years ago


Why not try Doctor Who: The Companion’s Companion by Clara Oswald. Published by BBC Children's Books.

5 years ago

Magical and Wonderous

Why not delve into Doctor Who: The Companion’s Companion by Clara Oswald from BBC Children's Books

5 years ago

Reading and Stories...

Get Doctor Who: The Companion’s Companion by Clara Oswald from BBC Children's Books 

5 years ago

Get Stuck In...

To this brilliant book, perfect for the holidays! Doctor Who: The Companion’s Companion by Clara Oswald from BBC Children's Books

5 years ago

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