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Charlie Higson started writing when he was ten years old. After university he was a singer and painter and decorator before he started writing for television. He went on to create and star in the hugely successful comedy series The Fast Show. He is the author of the bestselling Young Bond books and the incredibly successful horror series, The Enemy.Charlie doesn't do Facebook, but you can tweet him @monstroso.
The Hunted (The Enemy Book 6)
The Fallen (The Enemy Book 5)
The Sacrifice (The Enemy Book 4)
The Fear (The Enemy Book 3)
Young Bond: SilverFin
Young Bond: Blood Fever
Young Bond: Double or Die
Young Bond: Hurricane Gold
Young Bond: By Royal Command
The Dead (The Enemy Book 2)
The Enemy
Monstroso (Pocket Money Puffin)
SilverFin: The Graphic Novel
Doctor Who: The Beast of Babylon
The Enemy Series, Books 1-3
The Enemy Series, Books 4-6
Worst. Holiday. Ever.
Penguin Readers Level 1: Silverfin (ELT Graded Reader)
The End (The Enemy Book 7)
Worst. Superhero. Ever
Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book Worst. Holiday. Ever. by Charlie Higson from Penguin Random House Children's UK
1 month ago
Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book Worst. Holiday. Ever. by Charlie Higson from Puffin
You should read Worst. Holiday. Ever. by Charlie Higson. Published by Penguin Random House Children's UK.
3 months ago
You'll love Worst. Holiday. Ever. by Charlie Higson. Published by Puffin.
Look to the stars and discover Doctor Who: The Beast of Babylon by Charlie Higson. Published by Penguin Random House Children's UK.
5 months ago
Space: The final frontier. Doctor Who: The Beast of Babylon by Charlie Higson is amazing! Published by Penguin Random House Children's UK.
You'll love Worst. Holiday. Ever. by Charlie Higson. Published by Penguin Random House Children's UK.
Worst. Holiday. Ever. by Charlie Higson from Puffin is brilliant!
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