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Inspired by simple shapes and stories found in everyday life, Charley works with a combination of acrylic, ink and coloured pencils. When she isn’t sitting at her desk in her attic studio, she can be found playing Irish fiddle music, listening to true crime podcasts and dreaming of one day visiting Japan.She lives near the river in the impossibly romantic, story-tale city of Bath with her own two personal cheerleaders; hairy dachshund Doris and husband Adam.
Monsieur Mustard: The Disappearance of Fabio Fangtooth
A story all about friendship and friends. Monsieur Mustard: The Disappearance of Fabio Fangtooth by Charley Rabbit from Andersen.
1 month ago
Out now! Monsieur Mustard: The Disappearance of Fabio Fangtooth by Charley Rabbit. Published by Andersen.
8 months ago
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