
Candy Guard


About Candy Guard

Candy Guard established her reputation for comic observation with a highly successful strip cartoon in the Observer magazine and created Pond Life, an animated sitcom for Channel 4 that won numerous awards and both critical and popular acclaim. She now combines a career as a writer, animator and illustrator, and also teaches scriptwriting to film and animation students. Candy lives in Catford in South east London with her husband and their very overweight cat, Baddy. She also has three stepdaughters who help to remind her about being twelve.

Recent updates about Candy Guard

Romeo and Juliet

According to William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet were married on March 11th 1302, try Jelly Breaks the Mould by Candy Guard. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.


Valentine's Day

Jelly Breaks the Mould is a wonderful book for your children. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.

26 days ago

Valentine's Day

#ValentinesDay tomorrow, so why not read Jelly Breaks the Mould by Candy Guard from Macmillan Children's Books.

27 days ago

Make A Friend Day

Turning to Jelly by Candy Guard from Macmillan Children's Books is the perfect friendship story.

29 days ago

Make A Friend Day

Jelly Breaks the Mould by Candy Guard from Macmillan Children's Books is the perfect friendship story.

29 days ago

Valentine's Day

With February comes Valentine's Day so why not get ahead by reading Jelly Breaks the Mould by Candy Guard from Macmillan Children's Books.

1 month ago

National Storytelling Week

Make a new friends, discover a new land or just escape in this brilliant story book Jelly Breaks the Mould by Candy Guard from Macmillan Children's Books

1 month ago

National Tell A Story Day

Books can be so much fun, why not share this one Jelly Breaks the Mould by Candy Guard from Macmillan Children's Books

4 months ago

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