
Bruce Ingman


About Bruce Ingman

Bruce Ingman was born in Liverpool. He studied for an MA in Illustration at the Royal College of Art, London, and also taught at a number of art colleges. After illustrating for magazines, including British Vogue and The Sunday Times, Bruce Ingman's first book When Martha's Away was published to great critical acclaim, winning The National Art Library Award in 1996. He also won the prestigious Mother Goose Award as the most exciting British newcomer to children's books. Since then he has produced a number of highly distinctive and individual books.

Recent updates about Bruce Ingman

National Bed Month

Picture books can make the most beautiful bedtime reads. Go to Sleep or I Let Loose the Leopard, is a wonderfully illustrated bedtime read for all the family. From Steve Cole, published by Jonathan Cape (PB).

8 days ago

National Bed Month

Seeing as #NationalBedMonth has just started why not read Alison Hubble by Allan Ahlberg from Puffin.

13 days ago

National Bed Month

Get tucked up in bed with Go to Sleep or I Let Loose the Leopard a brilliant bedtime read for you and your children. By Steve Cole from Jonathan Cape (PB).

13 days ago

National Storytelling Week

Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try The Hole Story by Paul Bright from Andersen Digital

1 month ago

National Storytelling Week

Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try Alison Hubble by Allan Ahlberg from Puffin

1 month ago

National Storytelling Week

Listening to a story and the rhythm of the words can be a great way to engage small children. Why not try The Hole Story by Paul Bright from Andersen

1 month ago


Go to Sleep or I Let Loose the Leopard by Steve Cole from Jonathan Cape (PB) with the weekend on the horizon this is the perfect read all about bed!

1 month ago


Alison Hubble by Allan Ahlberg from Puffin with the weekend on the horizon this is the perfect read all about bed!

1 month ago

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