Around the World with Phineas Frog

Paul Adshead Toni Goffe

About the book

As Phineas and his daughter, travelling frogs, visit different countries of the world, the reader is challenged to identify each place by clues such as landmarks, cities, rivers, currency, costume, and souvenirs. Told in rhyme, Phineas Frog who has been a bit bored gets a wonderful birthday present from his daughter-a hot air balloon. She accidentally gets a lift up and the two share an adventure travelling around the world. The pictures and the text inform and amuse. At the end there are several activities and puzzles for kids to solve and a two-page spread with the countries outlined to let kids plot the trip and if successful they get to spell out a word that means sailed around.

Publication Date
01 December 1996

Childs Play

Book Type
Paperback / softback


Around the World with Phineas Frog - Jacket

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