
Aoife Walsh


About Aoife Walsh

Aoife lives in Oxford with her stimulatingly neurodiverse family. She is very keen on reading and her cat, blogs about country music and enjoys playing the banjo - her influences include Doc Watson, Uncle Dave Macon and Gemma Bow.

Recent updates about Aoife Walsh

World Storytelling Day

Too Close to Home by Aoife Walsh from Andersen Digital is brilliant!

4 years ago

World Storytelling Day

Could there be a better time to read Too Close to Home by Aoife Walsh. Published by Andersen.

4 years ago

International Literacy Day

Reading is so much fun, why not read Look After Me. Written by Aoife Walsh, published by Andersen.

4 years ago

International Literacy Day

Reading is so much fun, why not read Too Close to Home. Written by Aoife Walsh, published by Andersen.

4 years ago

A wonderful book

Too Close to Home is a wonderful book for your children.

4 years ago


Look After Me by Aoife Walsh from Andersen is brilliant!

4 years ago

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