An Adventurer's Guide to Dinosaurs

Isabel Thomas Yas Imamura

About the book

Travel through time to the land of the dinosaurs! Foreword by Chris Packham.

Climb aboard the time machine and join adventurer Mia on a breathtaking journey to our prehistoric world, visiting an active volcano, tracking dinosaur footprints and tiptoeing around a Maiasaura nest!

Starting almost 300 million years ago, you can meet:

- ancient Permian reptiles
- Triassic meat-eaters and plant-eaters
- powerful Jurassic predators
- fluffy and feathery dinosaurs
- flying dinosaurs and pterosaurs
- the world's very first birds
- enormous Cretaceous titanosaurs
- dinosaurs with horns, frills and crests

With astonishing facts and interactive dinosaur activities, this captivating book will excite and inspire the adventurers of the future.

Publication Date
28 October 2021


Book Type


An Adventurer's Guide to Dinosaurs - Jacket

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