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DR AMY-JANE BEER is a writer, editor, journalist and scientist based in rural North Yorkshire. She has contributed to many books on natural history and writes regular features for magazines such as BBC Wildlife.
Pocket Guide to Turtles, Snakes and other Reptiles
Going wild for Pocket Guide to Turtles, Snakes and other Reptiles by Amy-Jane Beer and Alice Pattullo!!! Published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books.
5 years ago
Read about some scaly creatures in Pocket Guide to Turtles, Snakes and other Reptiles by Amy-Jane Beer from Frances Lincoln Children's Books
Real Turtles or fictional ones... Find out all about them in Pocket Guide to Turtles, Snakes and other Reptiles by Amy-Jane Beer from Lincoln Children's Books
Read all about some wildlife in Pocket Guide to Turtles, Snakes and other Reptiles by Amy-Jane Beer from Lincoln Children's Books
Out now! Pocket Guide to Turtles, Snakes and other Reptiles by Amy-Jane Beer, illustrated by Amy-Jane Beer. Published by Lincoln Children's Books.
6 years ago
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