
Alice Kuipers


About Alice Kuipers

Alice Kuipers was born in London in 1979. She studied at Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan Universities. In 2003, she moved to Saskatoon, Canada, where she now lives. Life on the Refrigerator Door is her first novel.

Recent updates about Alice Kuipers

World Baking Day

Life on the Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers from Macmillan Children's Books is a great creative read!

2 months ago

Alice Kuipers

Would you like an empathy-boosting book recommendation to mark #EmpathyDay2019? Our pupils have got you covered! Here are some of their choices of books that help build empathy. Read a story to walk in someone else's shoes.

5 years ago

#CancerTalk Week

This week is #cancertalk week. Life on the Refrigerator Door is a poignant and uplifting portrait of a mother and daughter and their 'fridge note exchanged'. We follow their notes during the course of a life-altering year. A book that teaches and helps us to realise that we need to make the time to talk to each other in this busy and hectic world.

6 years ago

Out Now!

Out now! Life on the Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers, illustrated by Alice Kuipers. Published by Macmillan Children's Books.

9 years ago

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