
Alex Milway


About Alex Milway

<p>Alex Milway was born in 1978 in Hereford. After finishing art school and spending a number of years in magazine publishing, he finally managed to finish a book. He is the author of <i>The Mousehunter</i> and it's sequel, <i>The Curse of Mousebeard</i>. He lives in Crystal Palace with his wife and a curly haired cat called Milo.</p><p><u></u></p>

Recent updates about Alex Milway

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Mousebeard's Revenge by Alex Milway from Faber & Faber is brilliant!

5 months ago

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Eye patch, skull and crossbones, treasure maps... The Curse of Mousebeard. By Alex Milway, published by Faber & Faber.

5 months ago

Alex Milway

NEW COVER KLAXON!!! Hotel Flamingo: Fabulous Feast is now up online to pre-order. Published April 30th by @PiccadillyPress. This must be the first kids' book to feature a colander on the cover :)…

5 years ago

Alex Milway

My daughter's birthday book haul. Helping to keep the children's book industry afloat... 😊

5 years ago

It's Felixstowe Book Festival this weekend! Running from 27 to 30 June, there will be author talks from @PrueLeith, @greensofe, @alexmilway & @ellygriffiths and more, writing workshops, kids' events and bedtime stories! …

5 years ago

Alex Milway

It’s independent bookshop week! So why not show your support by popping in to your local indie bookshop & buying a book, whether it be for you or someone else or even to donate. OR just pop in to say hi, & TELL someone else about your local. Spread the word & the love :)

5 years ago

Alex Milway

One book finished, another book started, and one book published - and all in one week.

5 years ago

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